Sherry escorts us into the back room
where Dr. Warner is talking dogs and the rest of the crew are waiting to start their healing process on animals.
Now down on the floor for the treatment and than an x ray to make sure things are healing right.
The x ray showed another broken screw so back into surgery today. The good news was this screw was more accessible and the operation won't be quite as intrusive as the last two.
It's 6:30 and Barb is bringing Riley home from the vets. She called me with the instructions from Dr. Warner. I try hard not to be a rain cloud, but the news was not what I was hoping for. I have probably lost Riley for this hunting season. That hurts, because I know how much he enjoys being on the hill with me but even worse than that, we are back to square one for the next three months without any interaction with Jake and only walked outside for relieving himself. I have to believe that his poor recovery is my fault, because it has been so hard to keep Riley in prison. People have games to play, TV to watch, or many other things. What does a dog do, but wonder what he has done wrong to be punished like this.
As for the hunting part, I don't have to miss a beat. I have Jake to take me through the season. Jake is an upcoming chukar hunting star and I should be thrilled with the prospects of the upcoming season with a new pup. But, I feel guilty even thinking about hunting while Riley lays at home wondering why I left him again. Riley has always been there ready to go whenever I needed a partner and now there is nothing I can do to return the favor.
The day Barb and I picked up Jake he became family just as if we had a new child. I have introduced him to the wonderful world of bird hunting and now he has it in his blood. Jake deserves all the same treatment that Riley, Dakota and all our past hunting dogs got. Lot's of time on the hill pointing birds. I would gladly give up the 2013 season if it would help Riley recover but that wouldn't be fair to Jake.
Jake will carry me through the season with all his excitement and new discoveries and it will be exciting for me to watch him develop. But don't let the smiles you see on my face for Jake fool you. Although I'll be happy for Jake's progress, there'll be a knot in my gut and a lump in my throat because Riley is not able to enjoy it with us. Those who love their dogs as much as I do will understand. Please say a prayer that I can be strong enough to do what is right for Riley in the next three months.
I don't want to pretend that financially this has not had a big impact on Barb and I but we've made these dog's a huge part of our lives.. I planned my retirement for these years. If my hobby was golfing or trap shooting, I could just buy new clubs or a gun if they broke. But that isn't what you do with a friend, just put them aside. Time in the field together is of the utmost importance and that is what Riley and I have lost. The only upside to this is that it makes me glad I never wasted an opportunity to be out with my boys in the past.
And to think I used to think I was a tough guy.
Update. Barb just got home with Riley and some better news. The total confinement has been lowered to eight weeks and then there will be an evaluation. So, if he stays in this room (our master bedroom) except to go outside on a short leash for bathroom breaks we may have one month less of down time.
Good luck on the evaluation Riley!
Man that stinks. Riley you are such a machine. We know you will pull through with flying colors. It might be a tough year but in the long run you will benefit from it. Just keep you chin up.
Sorry to hear about the setback. You really have been tested this year and Riley too. If you and Jake need a cool place to be,come up and hunt some ptarmigan. I have an extra room for you and Jake at no charge. Season opens Aug, 10th.
You are always welcome. Allow a couple weeks to explore. Weather is back in the 60's again. Mays says to tell Riley to hang in there. Hoping you have a speedy recovery the rest of the way. I relate to your feelings. Dogs keep us humble and human.
I appreciate the offer Alan, but I couldn't leave Riley home and he will still be down. The coolness sounds terrific as well as the ptarmigan hunting. Barb says I should go but my heart would be here with Riley. Thanks and I hope you and Mays have a great opener.
Man, hope Riley gets healed up soon. So hard to keep them penned up..
How are the birds looking in your neck of the woods so far?
I haven't seen too much as far as chukar this summer, hopefully they're just keeping out of my path.
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