So, I decided right there and then, I was going to share in the feast. I immediately climbed up to the table and claimed my doghood. I agreed to take only 1/3 of the portion, since fats there weighs almost three times what I do.
All you other hunting dogs out there need to join in with me. Yes, we finally got to ride in the front of the truck with our human partners and get to sleep in the house with them, but let's not let it stop there. We work hard and deserve more equality. If we don't start standing up for our rights, it won't be long before they have us driving and carrying our own water.
Hit the dinner table you studs and bitches, it's a new world out there.
Don't worry Jake I've been getting my share . How do you think I got to be a 115 lb shorthair? Why, on the last ptarmigan hunt I managed to beg until my master caved and fed me part of our survival food. Those sausage sticks are one of my favorites. When he cooks birds, I always get fed first. I'm getting him trained right. Keep up the good work Jake. By the looks of that picture ,Larry's training is coming along fine. Keep it up Jake.
Jake, how do you do it? I just stare at him while he eats and he only lets me lick the EMPTY plate. Gads, I lost so much weight last week chasing sharpies and huns my ribs are showing....not like me at all. I noticed he left his shotgun leaning on the car and drove off without it but after being treated the way I have been I didnt say a thing. He didnt notice it for 120 miles. He should have known I know how to get even. Looking forward to watching those guys way below this fall when I get back down your way. Lucy
I don't think Jack is worried about voting rights - he is more concerned about finding a competent hunting companion. Long story short, I forgot my gun when we went hunting yesterday - it was definitley a first. I didn't even realize it until I put my boots and bird vest on. Since I was 1 1/2 hours away from home, we still went for a walk. We saw one good sized covey, but it seemed like there were a lot of old birds (or maybe the first hatch was most successful so they are all "old new birds"?). We walked for 3 1/2 hours today and only saw three birds flush in the distance. I think this was my fault again - I assumed birds maybe moved higher with the rain over the last couple days when the birds were probably still close to water... During early season hunting, I know Jack wishes he had another hunter. Maybe you can take him for September for now on Larry?
I don't think Jack is worried about voting rights - he is more concerned about finding a competent hunting companion. Long story short, I forgot my gun when we went hunting yesterday - it was definitley a first. I didn't even realize it until I put my boots and bird vest on. Since I was 1 1/2 hours away from home, we still went for a walk. We saw one good sized covey, but it seemed like there were a lot of old birds (or maybe the first hatch was most successful so they are all "old new birds"?). We walked for 3 1/2 hours today and only saw three birds flush in the distance. I think this was my fault again - I assumed birds maybe moved higher with the rain over the last couple days when the birds were probably still close to water... During early season hunting, I know Jack wishes he had another hunter. Maybe you can take him for September for now on Larry?
Matt, I think Jack would be disappointed with me also. The last two days have been fantastic hunting days and Jake and I are having a difficult time finding birds also. We also saw only three birds today. Jake pointed them for a gimme shot but I proceeded to miss.
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